Image Description: A map of Summit’s group class levels
Group Dog Training Classes in Fort Collins, Colorado
Group classes are a great way to learn new skills with your puppy or dog in a fun environment with other dogs and their owners!
All classes support a maximum of 6 dogs!
You and your dog can get plenty of quality, individual attention from your class instructor.
Classes are a judgement-free zone - get friendly encouragement & helpful support for all of you & your dog’s behavior goals!
Summit® Group Dog Training Classes
Always taught by Summit® Trainers and offered regularly on our schedule.
Click on each button to learn more about those classes!
Level 1: Basic manners & skill building for dogs 6 Months & Up!
Reactive Dog: Specialty class track focused on resolving reactivity (barking & lunging on leash)!
Level 2: Focused topical classes for fine-tuning your dog’s Colorado Life Skills!
Training Treks: Drop-In Excursion Classes for Graduates of Level 2 and Up!
Level 3: Training for advanced life skills and other goals like Canine Good Citizen & Therapy Dog Prep, Tricks, and Intro to Rally Obedience.
Level 4: Outdoor Adventure Dog classes focusing on living your most adventurous life with your dog!
Beyond Play - Socialization Groups: A fun & safe space to engage your dog’s senses & teach them healthy dog-dog social skills.
Specialty Dog Training Classes
Taught by Summit® Trainers or special guest instructors and offered periodically or as special events throughout the year.
Bundle Classes & Save!
At Summit®, we offer multiple levels of group classes to help our students meet various advanced training goals. For our students who are committed to training beyond the basics, we offer a flexible group class bundle so that you can save on tuition while still being able to choose your own adventure by selecting the classes that are most important to you and your goals!